Friday, 25 March 2011

Do you have It or are you full of It?

There are things that we have only because we own them and there somethings that we don't just have them but we have a lot of them that even to give away is not a problem. Some of these things are valuable to us and some of them have no much value, they are just there only because they have to be there. And, what can we do, they are there.

Our lives are like empty glasses and we definately need something to fill the emptiness inside, but with what? You are probably thinking that with the Holy Spririt. Yes, you are right, but it is not enough to have the Holy Spirit in our lives. That will be like a glass with water but it will limit those who will drink from it because it has limited water. We must be FULL of the Holy Spirit. That way we are able to give without losing or ceasing.

Someone just with the the Holy Spirit will be an average person but the one who is FULL of the Holy Spirit will surely make the difference wherever they are. " All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." (Acts 2: 4)
 See that all of those who were in that house were filled with the Holy Spirit and thus enabled them to continue with the gospel until it came to us.

This will make us to be able to share what we are Full of and it will never limit those who are thirsty of the Spirit. But all of this depends on how thirsty one is that they will seek more of the Spirit to fill their lives. This is what we always have to desire: TO BE FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Stay Blessed!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

The Day of The Lord Disturbed

As usual on a Wednesday I come to the church late because of the transport. I then sit at the back of the church avoiding to walk in and disturb the members. I normally enter the church when the pastor is preaching. So, yesterday I came in and it was normal for me and I sat down. The pastor was preaching a very strong message and it really made me want to be close to my God.

In no time he asked us to stand up and seek the Holy Spirit. I made sure that I poured my heart to God and I don't let anything disturb me. I was so deep communicating with my Lord and I was asking for His Spirit when suddenly I felt like opening my eyes. It was strange because it is something that never happened. When I opened my eyes, I realised that my bag was gone and only the flowers I had were left.

I looked around to see if my bag was maybe with someone I knew and guess what I saw: a lady walking out of the church with my bag and her bag on her shoulder. I ran to her and I asked for my bag and she held on to it and said she wants money for food.

I have to be honest, i was not happy with her. More when I found out that she is not coming to the church. I was not worried about what she was going to do to me but about her soul. Remember, everyone in the church is seeking God and she comes in and decides to rob them. God was there and He was protecting His children as they were seeking Him. I really felt sorry for her. More especially that the people in the church are giving tithes and are faithful to God. It was possible that she did not have an opportunity to use that stolen money because she was upsetting the Holy Spirit.  

We have to watch and pray lest we fall asleep.

Stay blessed.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Renato Cardoso's Blog: Fireproof movie trailer

Renato Cardoso's Blog: Fireproof movie trailer: "Dealing with issues of unfaithfulness, pornography, lust, unforgiveness, grudges and anger, Fireproof doesn’t sugar-coat the r..."