Watching the ladder and having a closer look at it, i come to realise something so strong about it. We use the ladder everyday and we actually never relate it to our daily lives.
The ladder has principles. yes, basic ones even!
How we succeed and how we fall uses the same principles the ladder does. First: when climbing the ladder, you must do it ALONE, or else you’ll fall and injure yourself and even brake the ladder. Second: when on the ladder, ensure that your hands are HOLDING ON to it, if not, still you’ll fall and injure yourself again. Third: LOOK UP never down or the sides, result: Falling and injuring yourself again!
This is very strong. 1) You first should be alone when you’re making your way to the top. You should never listen to voices form your friends for few are those who want to see you succeeding than falling/ losing. You are with God, not with anybody here in this world. Any decision that’s going to bring change in your life, BE ALONE with God!
This is mostly everybody’s mistake. 2) Letting go! We hold on at the beginning of our way to success, but we get tired with time. When we get tired, our arms lose strength and then lets go of our dreams. Lets finish what we started by HOLDING ON. Its not easy at all. Especially when the winds starts to blow threatening your the stability of your ladder, you just wanna let go and move on. Not on a life changing matter, NEVER!
Now this has to do with what most if not all of us have gone through, our past! 3) We allow what happened to us in the past to hold us back and we sob and feel sorry for our selves. Where can that take us if not keep us stagnant? Instead, it builds in us, hate, grudges, anger and all those nasty feelings. We need to apply the last basic principle of the ladder, which is simply just to LOOK UP!
What’s funny is that all of the above principles have the same result if they are not carefully obeyed- FALLING! The rest is for you to think about and conclude.
Stay Blessed!