Monday, 3 September 2012

Why did they say...

This is especially for those who are doing the work of God in the church. Be it in the courtyard or on the altar. We know that we usually have meetings for these groups with our overseers and it is a blessing for us.  These meetings are meant to encourage us and strengthen our faith.

The question is does it really do what it’s supposed to?

How can we possibly expect it to bear forth fruits if we talk to our fellow friends about the comments we have concerning what was spoken about? How can we be blessed if we discuss what was spoken in the meeting with those who have nothing to do with it?

Surely, there will be no blessing because of lack of discretion. A servant of God is discreet and he is open for discussions with the elders not with other people who have nothing to do with what was spoken of in the meeting. He has self control over his emotions.

“If someone does not speak in the meeting of the overseers, yet goes out and speaks to others, he is a person with a double tongue. Such a person cannot be in our midst. You must rebuke him sharply...” quoted from Watchman Nee.

Dear friends, if maybe by any chance you find yourself rebuked because of your loose tongue, you should give glory to God and repent to never do it again.  For God rebukes those he loves, Revelation 3:19.

Stay Blessed!!!