Monday, 17 February 2014

A Purpose Worth It

A Purpose Worth It

God will only become your God when you want Him to be. He will be your Friend when you want Him to be. He will be your father when you want Him to Be. In short, He will be everything you want Him to be. So, you do not wanna have Him as an enemy.

I have started a new prayer every morning to bless my day. In this prayer, I am not praying for physical blessings but I am praying for God to give me strength and ability to guard my salvation throughout the day. It is an interesting purpose because ever since I began doing this, I have been tested daily to see if I was really asking for my spiritual life.

This might sound boring to some of you but for me it is everything. I can assure you this, satan has proven to be how much he hates this prayer. Since I have started this purpose, he ensures to give me beatings just for me “to curse God and die”. Job 2:9

I am not worried at all about this because I know it is written: “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” Exodus 14:14

Try this prayer. You will be at peace while holding your sword because God will be fighting for you.
Maybe you used to make this prayer but for other things. How about you focus on your relationship with God in this Morning Prayer.

May you stay blessed.