Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Is It Worth It?

So much of what we pursue is fleeting. Once we acquire it, we have to try to preserve it because we know it will soon be gone. 

God has promised us that just as he is eternal and will live forever, so also are those who pursue a relationship with Him and are committed to do His will. So let's sit down and look at how we spend our time, our money, and our efforts and ask if what we are pursuing is really something that is worth having. 

Then let's ask one more important question: "Even if it is worth having, is it going to last long enough to make a difference?"

Stay Meditating and Blessed...

Starting Afresh with God #3: Who am I?

She had to realize who she was before what she had. She dug really deep and saw that everything she did was actually who she was.

On her death bed, she wants to fix what is broken and make sure that she dies in peace doing what she was called for in this life. "Do you know about Jesus?" She asks the lady on the next bed with passion to see her saved as well.

"I have heard of Him but I really don't believe in him for many given reasons." The lady replied. Things like this breaks the heart of the one who's greatest desire is to save souls. It is not pleasing to see that a soul is lost and has no salvation at all. She started preaching to her the good news about Jesus and the lady believed.

"Lord, it matters not where I am, if what you have called me for is to save souls, I will do it regardless. Please allow me to hold back my words and allow You to be the one who speaks through me. Thank you for this opportunity to save one more soul for you." She prayed to God.

"And we know that in all things works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

No matter where we might be or in which condition, we have to carry out the duties of our calling because we believe and are certain that all things works out for the good of those who love Jesus. 

Stay blessed.