Monday, 9 May 2011

The Enough-Meter

Speedometer is that clock on the dashboard of cars that measures the speed of the vehicle; thermometer is that instrument the doctor uses to measure you temperature; ENOUH-METER is a tool God has put inside you to help you measure your level of anger against a given situation. What is the use of the enough-meter?

Let's look at how a certain man called Phinehas used his. Chapter 25 in the book of Numbers describes how the children of Israel fell into a trap set up by their enemies. God has forbidden mixed marriages between Israelites and other nations. The reason was so they would not be tempted by those people to follow other gods and abandon the Lord.

But Balak, king of Moab, astutely sent the prettiest Moabite women among the men of Israel to seduce them and turn them away from the Lord.
Balak's plan was to get Israel to sin against the Lord, so they would not be able to count on His help when going to war against Moab.

The plan worked. The men of Israel began to indulge in sexual immorality with the Moabite women, who invited them to sacrifice to other gods. So Israel joined in worshipping Baal with the Moabites.

A plague broke out in Israel immediately and people began to die. God called Moses and told him to gather the leaders of Israel and tell them to put to death the men who had done such thing. Moses called an assembly and explained the problem to the leaders. As Moses was still speaking and the leaders of Israel weeping in shame and repentance for their people's evil deed, an Israel brought into the camp a Midianite woman right before the eyes of Moses.

Phinehas, Aaron's grandson, was also there in the assembly. When he saw this, his enough-meter went to the red and he just burst in anger. He left the assembly, took a spear in his hand and followed the Israelite into the tent. Then he drove the spear into both of them – through the Israelite into the woman's body. And in that moment the plague stopped.

What is needed for that problem that is treatening to put your life at stake, or for your situation to change is just REVOLT. You cannot act if you are not revolted against a situation. You do have the enough-meter but maybe it is stagnant inside you. It is time for you to activated it and make it to help you go head  no with that situation in your life.

If you can continue reading the rest of the chapter, you will understand what God thought of Phenehas' attitude. It is Numbers 25.

Stay Blessed!