Friday, 19 August 2011


I was once in a needy situation. I was nothing and even thought that everyone living under the surface of the earth do not care about me. Life was hard and I had nowhere else to go. I was humble to everyone because I needed their pity. I thought if would be proud I would not have anything to eat.

This the situation of many people, or rather was the situation of many. While things were not going well for you, you were so humble, loved everyone, had respect, was willing to help other people and acknowledged authority.

Because of that pleasing attitude we displayed when were were in need, we found favour in the eyes of those who were in power to put us high. They did to us what they thought would be profitable to us, giving us a job, helping us open businesses, taking us to school etc. we climbed high, we became somebodies in our areas. That pleasing character starts to change. It now starts to have a bitter touch.

When you are a millionaire, don't show that you have millions in your bank account but let your millions grow. If you are a manager, don't show that your a boss, but let what you do excel. You must not be high but your resources must be high.

Quote of the day: “A bird flies and searches for a place to land... it never flies forever”

Stay Blessed!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Do you think you can tell your friend to just get over it?

When a friend is always depressed and sobbing and you, as a good friend you try to get what's the problem, she/he tells you but, all that she says is out of emotions and they're feeling sorry for themselves.

Or maybe it's you! You never get enough or tough in what you are facing. Instead, you always feel sorry for yourself, you always cry and never see the way out, you always self centred and never have a solution. If this is the case, you might still need more problems to peel off the soft and fragile skin you have and give space for the tough you!

Yes! It is the truth. Do not expect to have the solution of whatever situation you have any time soon. That's because you are still a baby, you are not strong yet. The day you will pull your sleeves and say, I am strong and I will NOT act like a child, that's when you let go of your biggest enemy.

Whatever that has taken your self esteem, whoever abused you, whoever hurt you, they did not take your life away from you, you still have it so please Just GET OVER IT and move on!

God wants brave people to work with, not people who are forever feeling sorry for themselves.

Stay Blessed!