Friday, 19 August 2011


I was once in a needy situation. I was nothing and even thought that everyone living under the surface of the earth do not care about me. Life was hard and I had nowhere else to go. I was humble to everyone because I needed their pity. I thought if would be proud I would not have anything to eat.

This the situation of many people, or rather was the situation of many. While things were not going well for you, you were so humble, loved everyone, had respect, was willing to help other people and acknowledged authority.

Because of that pleasing attitude we displayed when were were in need, we found favour in the eyes of those who were in power to put us high. They did to us what they thought would be profitable to us, giving us a job, helping us open businesses, taking us to school etc. we climbed high, we became somebodies in our areas. That pleasing character starts to change. It now starts to have a bitter touch.

When you are a millionaire, don't show that you have millions in your bank account but let your millions grow. If you are a manager, don't show that your a boss, but let what you do excel. You must not be high but your resources must be high.

Quote of the day: “A bird flies and searches for a place to land... it never flies forever”

Stay Blessed!

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