DISPOSITION: is a habit, a preparation, a state of readiness, or a tendency to act in a specified way.
Everyone is born with a certain disposition in them. Some are good and some are bad. Some are cute and some are nasty. Some can be changed and some cannot be changed but they all can be controlled.
Now, I would like us to look at the dispositions that do not please God. Sins in dispositions. Some people were born stubborn and some are born very legalistic.Those are the ones who if they believe something to right, that is how it should be and there's no one who will convince them otherwise. In short, these people are "always right".
Mostly these people are very rigid, they are unbending creatures and they are not willing to be molded.They are often "perfect" and in their perfection, there is no room for correction. They are not gentle towards others.
The pride of such people hides under their disposition so that they will convince themselves that they were born that way. This is not Godly but for a born of God Christian, this should be a concern and it needs to be dealt with.
Ask God for help if you are one of the stubborn and legalistic people. Nothing is impossible for Him.
Watch out for our second discussion on Dispositions.
Stay Blessed.
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