I took envelopes of tithe in the church and gave anything I had just for me to receive the consecration of the tithers on the alter.
Oh how vulnerable I was.
I began to be very interested in knowing about what I was doing after a few months. I asked my mother and she taught me how to tithe. The pastor used to teach how to tithe in every service he held and I would be so excited about hearing the good news of being a tither. I remember when I finally got it right, how excited I was in my faith. That was the only right thing I was confident about. It gave me a push to want to more things right for God.
That was when my spirituality changed and I was only 12 years old.
Today I am grown and it is with pleasure that I am given an opportunity to teach others about the importance of Tithe.
After a year since I have invited my tenant who lives with her son at the back of my yard to the church, I was honored to sit down with them and teach them about tithe in their cottage. The excitement look I saw on their faces was priceless when they finally decided to be faithful tithers after I have taught them through the help of the Holy Spirit.
Amazingly, while teaching them my faith was revived also. God revived me not to tithe as a tradition or because I know how to tithe but to always do it in Spirit because tithes are holy.
"God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24 Giving tithes is to serve God, thus it must be done with trembling and great respect.
Stay Blessed
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